Use this lesson written by author and freedom-loving mother Julie Behling to help your teens more fully understand freedom and how precious it is! The lesson can be done as a dinner table discussion or a full homeschool lesson complete with ideas for bonus projects.
Grab the lesson for FREE for a limited time, and be empowered to help your teens appreciate freedom more than they ever have before!
$19.99 FREE
With this home lesson for teens, parents will be empowered to lay out what tyranny is, how it operates, and teach the basics of some of the most notorious tyrannical governments of the last century. Included is a short section on vocabulary of tyranny, links to videos and additional resources for a deeper dive on certain aspects of tyranny, and ideas for bonus projects for homeschoolers.
$19.99 $9.99
This lesson contains some heavy content, but this information is crucial for our young people to understand if we are to have any hope of preserving freedom in our nation.
$19.99 $9.99
Get all 3 home lessons for teens regarding freedom, tyranny, and wokeism from mother and author Julie Behling for a deep discount, now for a limited time!! With this set, you will get:
- Lesson 1 – Why Does Freedom Matter?
- Lesson 2 – The Anatomy of Tyranny
- Lesson 3 – The Ideology of Wokeism (2-part lesson)